Incomprehensible behavior

  • leremete
  • 13 months ago

I have been struggling trying to understand why Community Answers does not work correctly. I have tried uninstalling and installing again all core joomla plugins without any result.

Here is a list of incomprehensible behaviors I cannot fix

- The first category I create is not listed but appears in the parent drop-down menu when creating a second or a third category.
- Almost all links arrive on a blank page
- The most weird: Only home page of community answers appears, but when I remove the MaxiMenu Ck module (second menu) on the CA page, then the link to CA from an other menu (top menu) goes to a "Safari can’t open the page" page or a "500 error page" on firefox.
Here is the message I get on firefox:
500 - No valid database connection:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'group by order by e.nleft ) AS d where a.nleft between b.nleft and b.nright' at line 1 SQL=select, a.title, a.alias, a.questions, a.answers, (COUNT( - (d.nlevel + 1)) AS nlevel, a.parent_id from jos_answers_categories AS a, jos_answers_categories AS b, jos_answers_categories AS c,( select, (COUNT( - 1) AS nlevel from jos_answers_categories AS e, jos_answers_categories AS f where e.nleft between f.nleft and f.nright and = group by order by e.nleft ) AS d where a.nleft between b.nleft and b.nright and a.nleft between c.nleft and c.nright and = group by having nlevel <= 1 order by a.nleft

Everything else works fine.
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Community Answers version 1.2.1
CoreJoomla jQuery plugin 1.0.0 stable published
Joomla 1.5.22
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