mod_randompoll javascript error

  • mconvey
  • 12 months ago
I have just upgraded to the latest versions of comment polls (2.0.17), cjlib (1.1.9) and mod_randompoll (2.0.10). mod_randompoll no longer seems to be working - the buttons do not do anything and there is a javascript error related to the line

var factory = new RandomPollsFactory('rp-<?php echo $rand;?>');

i.e. RandomPollsFactory is not defined. Looking through the modules I have installed, I can't find it either. Is it defined elsewhere?

Also, the formatting is off - the text for each option appears on the line after the radio box. This used to be on the same line. Is there a way of putting it back on the same line?



{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 633]}

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