New User - Multiple Questions

  • baxterdown
  • 6 months ago

I am a new user and I just created my first survey. I have some questions:

- Conditional rules are not working. I make the selections and save the rule. Then save and close the question. Then preview the survey and it doesn't preview correctly. When I go back to the question there are no conditional rules. It appears that the rules are not saving.

- I cannot see the survey with the Global URL. When I copy/past the URL into a browser, the page shows "Message Your session is expired or you have not logged in. Please login to continue" even though I made the survey public. Same thing happens when I send an invitation.

- How can I put the survey on a module or article? I need to be able to style the page with the survey. Right now I am getting all the styling from the website's home page.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


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