Embed track button

1. Add Embed track butoon to generate code for embed track on another website (something like a content plugin, with the ability to choose what to see in another site: map, elevation chart, waypoints ...). Something like an orange button on this site just a little more sophisticated because this is visible only on pc: https://planinarenje.ba/component/gpstools/track/175-cincar/553-cincar-08-07-2020?Itemid=435

Midhat Becar shared this idea  .  4 years ago
Maverick commented  .  4 years ago

Due to the complexity involved in licensing part, this feature cannot be implemented.

Maverick commented  .  4 years ago

Embedding tracks on third-party sites have many complications including the licensing part of the maps to loading third-party scripts. Need to check feasibility.

/suggest-an-idea/gps-tools.html /suggest-an-idea/gps-tools.html