Ad Smeets

Location Netherlands
Gender Male
Age 60 years
Member since June 23rd, 2013
Last seen 4 years ago
Topics 26
Replies 51
Points 55
About Ad Smeets: No information provided.

Recent activity
  • asmeets liked a reply to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    February 20 at 5:51 pm

    6 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    February 20 at 8:24 am

    Thats what I have understood indeed. Issue is that I do not see the 'GPX options as shown in the picture below in my test site. And this is the place to define the marker...

    6 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    February 19 at 7:09 pm

    Hi Maverick, I started to test the modifications for this new feature. Maybe a stupid question, but how do I set the custom markers? I tried the category...

    6 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic Support for custum fields.

    December 13 at 8:05 pm

    Since Joomla 3.7 custom fields are supported. I tried this out in my test environment. Is it supported by GPS Tools? While defining the fields I can not select the GPSTools...

    7 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    December 13 at 8:01 pm

    One week will be fine by me. No need to send it before that.  

    7 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    December 13 at 5:10 pm

    Good news maverick. When will it be released? Maybe I will wait with my update

    7 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.

    December 12 at 5:43 pm

    Hi Maverick, I am looking to do an update of my site. To make this process easier it would be helpfull if this feature was available. Do you have it planned...

    7 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Creating a track.

    January 9 at 2:26 pm

    Issue is resolved by overriding a standaard joomla component setting. Thanks for the great support.

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Creating a track.

    January 7 at 5:27 pm


    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Creating a track.

    January 7 at 3:02 pm

    No errors on the browser console. And all API's are enabled as you can see in the attachment. It seems the route is planned based on the from and to adress, but no map is...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic Creating a track.

    January 7 at 9:10 am

    While trying to plan a track I can give in from and to adress. A route seems to be planned ,but no map is showing. Do I have to activate a specific google maps API to do...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic Language translation.

    January 6 at 11:55 pm

    Translation is done on transifex ;) 100% complete for front end for users. 

    8 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic Language translation.

    January 6 at 2:28 pm

    For the ones interested, I completed the translation of the front end to Dutch (NL). I am not 100% everything will fit, but at least it is complete now.

    8 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic support for tcx format?.

    January 3 at 9:21 pm

    I made my site publicly available en guess what: people ask for features ;) One of the users has his files mostly in tcx format. It is very simple to convert them to...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic Rating 'unclarities'.

    December 28 at 8:56 pm

    I am trying to udnerstand the rating system. There are two options as far as I can see: Using the stars to assign a rating and controllable via settings of GPS...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic V4 update issue.

    December 7 at 6:33 pm

    That rating is possible for registered members is fine. I need to open up my site to nebale this. No problem. Explanation regarding tags is clear but then the related...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic V4 update issue.

    December 5 at 6:20 pm

    The migration of the production environment is finished and I only encountered a few issues that where not expected bu easy to fix. I have two issues...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets created new topic Custom markers for categories.

    December 4 at 6:56 pm

    When you place the GPS tracks module, all starting points of GPS tracks are shown. The standard google marker is used to show these starting points. I have made some changes...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic V4 update issue.

    November 30 at 7:45 pm

    Managed to solve it. Had to manually open each category and save it. After that everything is working as expected. Might be that it was caused by previous update issues I...

    8 years ago

  • asmeets replied to the topic V4 update issue.

    November 30 at 10:43 am

    Only thing left is showing subcategories. That's not working. The migration was done and it sais tracks and tags are migrated succesfully. But for some reason I do not see any...

    8 years ago

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