Category Quiz navigations.

It would be great to have a navigation within a category quiz to move between questions.

We use the component for little post-course exams and have a random sample of questions created out of a category by using Category Quiz. This ensures that every participant gets a different exam. The number of questions is set as maximum number, questions per page is set to 1. That way the user gets to see a question per page.

We would like to offer our users the chance to move between the questions as long as they have not finished the quiz, reviewing what they have given as an answer before. Evaluation of the scoring should be enabled only at the end, after finishing the last question. 

This would be a gread benefit.

Andreas Madjari shared this idea  .  5 years ago
Maverick commented  .  5 years ago

Category quiz can allow selection of questions randomly, so it is not possible to have to navigate back in such cases. For proper exam type usecase, please rely on courses feature along with standard quizzes.

/suggest-an-idea/community-quiz.html /suggest-an-idea/community-quiz.html