
  • Community feedback email

    Good day,

    I am having difficulty getting the notification emails to display. At first the defaut functionality is to send responses/feedback as an embeded PDF. All I would like to do is disable the pdf and the email needs to come through as a normal test email with the results of the survey.

    Please advise 



  • Community Quiz - Email Purchase Notifications

    I have purchased the Community Quiz component (I do not understand why I could not select 'Post-Sales' as a category for this query).

    When a user Purchases access to a quiz, the information of the person/account is 'saved', and is then sent via email together with the quiz information to an administrator email once the purchased quiz has been submitted. This works as intended. See the example below:

    First name: xxx
    Last name: xxxxxxxx
    Email Address: xxx@
    Contact number: xxxxxxxxxx
    Country: South Africa
    Score: 7/15
    Quiz Failed

    However: once the user/account logs out and logs back in, and with this new session submits the same quiz, the user/account information is then not sent through via email as it did before. See the example below:

    First name: 
    Last name: 
    Email Address: 
    Contact number: 
    Score: 7/15
    Quiz Failed

    The user/account information must be included in all quiz submissions. How can this issue be solved?Thank you in advance for your support.Kind regards

  • community surveys email when completed

    Great and very simple app, Community Surveys, but I would idealy like to be able to customise the emails in the following ways.


    1. Email on completion of form to multiple company users addresses

    2. email sent to differnet people upon completion of the suvey depending on the region (if USA send email to xyz address, if Asia, send email to zyx)


    Is this something that ca be achieved?

  • Email notification to all registered users for every new poll created


    Could you please guide me through the steps to send email notifications to all registered users about the new poll created on the website as I am unable to find those deails in the documentation. Thanks.

    Community Poll version :4.4.4

    CJlib version :2.4.6

  • Email address for notifications Community Polls


    Where can I change the email address for voting notifications? I can't find a component in the options.


  • Email after Survey Completition to User with Survey-Infos

    Hi there,

    I've been looking for a way to send reports or thank-you-mails to the users that took the survey after completing. (Even the ones that aren't registred at the site but entered an email-adress in the survey) Is there a way to do so?

    Maybe you can add a email-template which can read a specific field out of the survey (maybe by id or name of the field with a placeholder) and add a script that triggers an email-send-event after the survey is completed and written to the database? As soon as I know there should be already an event for the mail to the survey-owner.

    And in case it works: it would be very helpful if I could add other data from the survey to the mail (e.g. the surveykey or some answers that were given).

    Just to know: I wrote a skript that evaluates the data out of a survey and renders some charts. To show the results to the user he needs the survey-key and I haven't figured out a way to get them the key automatically.

    Best Regards

  • Email Notifications?

    I cant find any way of getting this to work:

    "Email Notifications Get informed about new quizzes and quiz responses, stay up-to date. "

    I can see some email templates but I cant see where to enable the email functionality.



  • Emails, Reports, Cron and more



    i´m sorry... but there are still problems. Maybe sometimes you didn´t understand what I mean...


    Well, I try to explain...
    In my case there is no community. There is a "normal" (company-)website. And the visitors of the website can do this survey.

    When those visitors have finished the survey, the owner of the website (the admin) needs to get the notification-email with the responses.


    1) When Email-Queue is triggered automatically by component, all "old" surveys in queue are getting send. But the new/actual Survey-Email has status "pending". The problem is, that maybe only one survey per week will be done in the beginning. But mail is always send a week later, when the next time survey is used. How to fix this problem without using server-cronjob? 
    I am sorry but I do not understand this. Are the already sent invitations are being sent again?


    I mean, that there are e.g. two jobs in the queue:
    #1 - pending
    #2 - pending
    >>>now that visitor finished survey #3, the email queue is triggered and #1 and #2 two went too status "sent". Author/admin gets notification about #1 and #2, but the new #3 ist pending now.
    >>>if for the next 3 weeks noone do a new survey, the admin/author will never be informed about the last survey #3.

    How to fix?




    2) I did some layout-overwrites e.g. for "image_checkbox.php". Those are for styling output nice :-) So far they work well... to see those and the bug, please login (data at the bottom). BUT: When I use Survey via module ("Surveys Form Module"), then FIRST questions doesn´t use my overwrite-file. I use my_template/html/layouts/com_communitysurveys/default/response/fields/image_checkbox.php as overwrite-file. Where to find the right one for starting survey with module? 
    Since the module will be displayed from any page, it cannot detect the location of the component layout. So the base path is hardcoded. If you want to override this, edit modules/mod_surveyform/tmpl/default,php and find
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render($layout.'.survey.survey_main', array('data'=>$data), $data->basePath, array('debug'=>false));?>
    change it to
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render($layout.'.survey.survey_main', array('data'=>$data), '', array('debug'=>false));?>
    I tried to, but it doesn´t work. I just couldn´t see any survey anymore. Maybe I need to use comonent always and just cannot use module...
    3) Who is the responder of survey-email (email queue "To Address")? Is it always the "author" of survey? 
    No. It is the user whom you sent the invitation. You can send invitations to any users.
    Cause of the scenario I explained on top... there is no community and so are no users and noone who invites. So I think the New Response-Email will be send to survey-author. It´s ok...
    4) Answers of survey in Email. I just cannot find how to insert the answers of survey (the results) into the Email. Email content is something like "Hello Super User, responded to your survey Herren.... View Reports" BUT I need the report inside the email! Within survey there is also a button called "Attach PDF Report" >> but in my email there is no pdf-attachment. How to fix it?
    PDF report feature looks to be broken. I am fixing this. But there is no feature to include report within email. Further email will not be sent to user who respond to survey rather sent to survey author. But anyway, I will add this email type to send email to user after he take survey.
    Cause of the scenario I explained on top... I really the admin/author to receive the report.
    What would the Attach PDF-report do? Isn´t it, that this PDF with the report (answers of questions) will be send to author/admin via the New Response-Email??????
    Hope you can help.
  • How to update the email type of the new user created email template

    Hi! I created a new email template. But found out there is no input in the creation form that allows me to enter the email type. Is the create new template feature only for multiple language usage only?



  • Permission Issue when Clicking Email Link

    When a user receives an email notification for a newly submitted question, clicking the link returns a permission error on the home page that says "You are not authorised to view this resource." Instead, it should be taking the user directly to the question, especially if they have the "remember me" option checked.

    Any idea what could be causing this?

  • survey invite emailing on its own

    I built a public survey which I have on a hidden menu.  I want to send my users one link within out internal newsletter that will take them directly to the survey.  What I am now seeing is that an email invite is being sent out to our team, stating that I have created a new survey and inviting them to take it.  I have never setup an email invite to a survey in this environment.  I have on our test environment, but not in production, which is where this invite is coming from.  What steps can I take to make this stop?



