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  • chan man fung created new topic How to create a Hint button for a question.

    July 8 at 8:21 am

    Hi, I want to create a "Hint button" (in the right side of the first Figure) and "solution button" (in the right side of the second Figure) for each question individually in the quiz. I want the button can redirect to some youtube video or video in my server. Also, if the users use these button,  the point systems will reduced their points. What is the code needed ? and which part of code should been edited or inserted by the new code?  Thank you very much 

    9 years ago

  • chan man fung replied to the topic How to list all member users in a page .

    July 8 at 6:42 am

    hi, Maverick I have checked them . 1, I haven't excluded any user groups. 2. Of course, I have created CjBlog Users Layout menu item 

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Advance Search Function.

    July 8 at 2:22 am

    That might be a javascript or css issue on your page. Those buttons should open dropdown menu. Let me know where I can see the issue.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Flash Card System.

    July 8 at 2:21 am

    Thee is already an image type multiple choice questions present. Please check it on demo. However it is not exactly similar to flashcard type.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Survey Titles Not Saving.

    July 8 at 2:19 am

    Hi Donna, Can you send me a sample survey url to check it? If credentials needed, please send them through contact us form.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Community Surveys Conditionals.

    July 8 at 2:18 am

    Unfortunaly that scenario is not possible at this time. The rules will depend on answers in immediately submitted page. So they do not take the previously submitted responses while calculating the next page. However I do see the value in rendering multiple pages based on previous responses. The only concern is it is a very complicated and confusing behavior if there are multiple rules on multiple questions and multiple pages. And obviously previous button will not work when rules are enabled. I will work on this feature for CS v4.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic CJBlog integration with JomSocial.

    July 8 at 2:10 am

    Unfortunately thats not possible. CjBlog is a component just like JomSocial. It cannot be displayed inside JomSocial.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Disable Guest Activity on Jomsocial Stream.

    July 8 at 2:09 am

    Set the accesslevel of Community Quiz - Quizzes plugin to registered user group.

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Advance Search Function.

    July 7 at 5:26 pm

    Hi, Maverick,You may also want to note that I'm using Gantry v4.1.29 template for my site.  Look forward to hearing from you soon, both about this and the fix for fatal error.Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • Ashif Khan created new topic Flash Card System.

    July 7 at 2:54 pm

    It would be awese to have a flashcard or picture type quiz. I would really love to see this feature in the future.

    9 years ago

  • Chris Chase created new topic Survey Titles Not Saving.

    July 7 at 12:56 pm

    Hello,  When making new survey answers some of them refuse to save, they just sit and do nothing. Originally we thought it was because they had punctuation in them but they would still not work after we removed the punctuation. I have also already updated the component itself and everything else on our Joomla 3.x site is also up-to-date. Has any one else experianced this problem? And if so how did you solve it?  Thanks in advance! -Donna

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Community Surveys Conditionals.

    July 7 at 12:47 pm

    I would be interested in finding out more about how this works.  It would appear, based on Maverick's responses, all common questions following the condition would need to be replicated; this essentially means that the number of questions could easily compound infinitely depending on the number of conditions set throughout the survey, which as Julian says, would not be very efficient.If Community Surveys actually allows for logics to refer to response(s) not only for the immediate question but combination(s) of response(s) to previous question(s), it would then allow for diversion and convergence at different points of the survey and make the design/flow more efficient.Will wait to hear from Maverick whether this level of sophistication is already in Community Survey by design and, if not, what the most effective alternative may be as well as whether it is something we could expect in the near future.Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • Kapil Taran replied to the topic CJBlog integration with JomSocial.

    July 7 at 8:12 am

    Thanks Maverick. I have already done that.  Now let me explain what problem I am facing. I have installed CJBlog and lib extn. Then I created a Menu Item under JomSocial Menu as Blogs and selected the Menu Item Type as CJBlog Articles Form Layout. SCreenshot attached. But when I click on the Blogs menu it takes me to the CJBlob layout page. I want the link to open inside the parent window of Jomsocial. Is it possible? I have attached the screenshot of Menu displayed in Jomsocial and what happens when I click it-ScreenShot-3. How to achieve the embedding of Blogs inside Jomsocial.  

    9 years ago

  • Bryon created new topic Disable Guest Activity on Jomsocial Stream.

    July 7 at 7:55 am

    Hi, My website allows guest to attempt quizzes. Now, there's a large number of stream from guests which I do not want to display on the stream activity. How can I disable this?   Thanks

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Advance Search Function.

    July 6 at 7:39 pm

    Hi, Maverick,On my tool bar in CjForum, there are only the following.  Are you referring to Discover?* Forum (Functional)* Discover (Non-Functional)* Start a Topic (Functional)* Account (Non-Functional)As noted above, only Forum and Start a Topic are functional.  Not sure if this has anything to do with the fatal error you and I exchanged emails about last week for which you will provide a fix.Will wait to hear from you.Thanks again!

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Additional/Custom Field for CjForum.

    July 6 at 7:35 pm

    Thank you, Maverick!Let me give that a try.

    9 years ago

  • Julián Fernández replied to the topic Community Surveys Conditionals.

    July 6 at 6:31 pm

    Nope, i think is not the same. Take notice that i need to keep this order on the survey. The only option that i see in community surveys for a selected option is to enable question on the same page, which is not what i need, or to skip to a page which will be a very inefficient way to do this. Let me put a simple case scenario.   This is the intended behavior.Page 1 Which of this companies do you know? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 (rules: if checked 1 enable page 3, if checked 2 enable page 4, if checked 3 enable page 5) Page 2 Which of this companies you work with in the last 3 months? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 Page 3 Company checked 1 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 (if there is no more checked on page 1 go to end page, else go to next) Page 4 Company check 2 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 (if there is no more checked on page 1 go to end page, else go to next) Page5 Company check 3 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 (go to next) Page 6 Do i express the difference? Radio yes Radio no EOF   This is what i understad that i have to do to get the same behavior: Page 1 Which of this companies do you know? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 (rules: if i only check 1 skip to page 2, if i only check 2 skip page 5, if i only check 3 skip page 8) Page 2 Which of this companies you work with in the last 3 months? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 Page 3 Company check 1 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 Page 4 Do i express the difference? Radio yes Radio no EOF Page 5 Which of this companies you work with in the last 3 months? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 Page 6 Company check 2 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 Page 7 Do i express the difference? Radio yes Radio no EOF Page 8  Which of this companies you work with in the last 3 months? Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 Page 9 Company check 3 from page one, is it good? radio 1 radio 2 radio 3 Page 10 Do i express the difference? Radio yes Radio no EOF And we are missing the factorial combination of it which in case of having more than three companies will skyrocket the work. Surely im missing something in here.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Community Surveys Conditionals.

    July 6 at 5:12 pm

    I believe what you mean by enable/disable pages is same as skip page. There is a conditional rule to skip complete page based on the answer given to a question on current page. Say for example, you have 10 pages of 5 questions each following are some of the rules you can configure -> If user selects answer A for question 2 in page 1 then do not show page 2 -> If user do not select answer A for question 2 in page 1 then do not show page 2 -> If user answer the question (select any answer) then do not show page 2 -> If user do not answer the question then do not show page 2  

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic CJBlog integration with JomSocial.

    July 6 at 5:08 pm

    Following are the integrations you can do. 1. User avatar: Go to Components->CjBlog->Options->Integration tab->Select User Avatar System as JomSocial2. User profile linking: Go to Components->CjBlog->Options->Integration tab->Select User Profile System as JomSocial  

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Survey choose image.

    July 6 at 5:04 pm

    Make sure your installation has media/communitysurveys/images folder created and has write permissions.

    9 years ago

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