standard access level of themes in Options
As I have written in a post I suggest to implement a dropdown menu in the settings, where the administrator can choose the standard access level for posts among the access levels existing on his page
New Holger Hinkelmann CjForum Comments (0) 4 years ago

Restrict sending private messages only to Admin and others to reply
The PM system works fine as it is But I would like to add the option to restrict it to "Only Super-Admin can send, Any user can reply to PM from Super-Admin". So that means hiding the PM icon (seen in the profile block, and at the top of some...
New MICHAEL WALKER CjForum Comments (1) 4 years ago

Downsizing image uploads
Well, with the increasing ubiquity of high-resolution camera-phones, I notice our server space is noticeably FILLING UP with forum post image attachments... 4MB+ photos seem to be the rule, and nobody ever bothers to downsize for uploading to...
New MICHAEL WALKER CjForum Comments (0) 3 years ago

AcyMailing integration of CJForum
I saw there is a Acy-Mailing plugin for CJBlog. It would be great if posts from CJForum could be inserted/linked in AcyMailing, too.
New Holger Hinkelmann CjForum Comments (0) 4 years ago