Kymmy Leigh-Thompson replied to the topic CB plugin.
February 4 at 12:00 pm
Found it, apparently you have to subscribe before you can download it. -
Kymmy Leigh-Thompson created new topic CB plugin.
February 4 at 10:23 am
Hi, Has anyone got the free cb plugin for GPS_Tools. The free link on... -
Kymmy replied to the topic Off-Road/Track capabilities.
February 4 at 9:25 am
Thanks for the quick answer, you now have a new customer :) -
Poll It created new topic Can't delete polls.
February 4 at 8:11 am
Hi,I would really appreciate some help. I don't know how to delete polls..I have... -
Eric Landmann created new topic Community Polls throwing 500 errors on install.
February 4 at 5:37 am
I installed: CjLib API 2.2.1 Community Polls Package... -
Maverick replied to the topic Off-Road/Track capabilities.
February 4 at 3:02 am
Presently only routes that can be mapped with Google Maps are possible. However you can add... -
Kymmy created new topic Off-Road/Track capabilities.
February 3 at 10:39 pm
Hi, Looking at purchasing GPS Tools but need an answer to a question before I do. ... -
Kennedy Oketch replied to the topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 7:38 pm
Thank You! -
Maverick replied to the topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 6:17 pm
You created user profile menu item but selected "CjBlog Users Layout" menu item type instead of... -
Maverick replied to the topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 5:07 pm
Now sure how you configured them, did you set the access level of them menu item to public? Can... -
Kennedy Oketch replied to the topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 4:53 pm
It mazes me how I am able to do one thing this minute and not able to do it again a second time in... -
Maverick replied to the topic Issues with GPS Tools 3.7.2 and Joomla 3.3.6.
February 3 at 4:43 pm
Can you check now? There is a little bit of css conflicts by your template which you can... -
Maverick replied to the topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 4:15 pm
If you have created "CjBlog User Profile Layout" menu item, you should be able to click on any... -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't submit article.
February 3 at 4:12 pm
Can you send me the website dertails using contact us form to checkout the issue? -
Maverick replied to the topic issue with bloggers overview version 1.3.1.
February 3 at 3:59 pm
Ahh.. sorry about that. the package now updated with correct module. -
Kennedy Oketch created new topic What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? .
February 3 at 2:42 pm
What's the Procedure of Changing the Bloggers' profile Avatar? -
Alex replied to the topic Can't submit article.
February 3 at 1:04 pm
Joomla verision 2.5.28 CjBlog version 1.3.2 -
Macček Richard replied to the topic How to create url (domain) for profiles ?.
February 3 at 12:57 pm
Thank you all for your help :) -
Holger Kremers replied to the topic Resize Poll Images or modal box.
February 3 at 12:39 pm
Thank you. Try to add a modal class to the images... let's see :)