Ruud van Lent

Location Netherlands
Gender Male
Age Not specified
Member since September 23rd, 2013
Last seen 7 years ago
Topics 64
Replies 194
Points 135
About Ruud van Lent: No information provided.

Recent activity
  • ruud replied to the topic Cool! CJBlog 2.0 :).

    April 8 at 6:50 am

    Okay, maybe it is best that if I have something that I want to implement I first raise an issue (functional request) on github. Based on that we can decide if and how to...

    8 years ago

  • ruud replied to the topic Cool! CJBlog 2.0 :).

    April 7 at 1:54 pm

    Hi Maverick, ... and then finally... I am doing an upgrade of the template of one of my major blog sites. Want to also upgrade to cjblog 2.0.1 when...

    8 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent created new topic Cool! CJBlog 2.0 :).

    August 19 at 8:10 am

    Hi Maverick, you mentioned it earlier... cjblog 2 was in te making. Just found the beta and installed it! first impression: WOW!   Will be testing and giving feedback over the next days: a lot has changed and I already noticed that the features we created on git are not all present / working. Are you planning to share the code on github? like the 1.4.2 code?  

    8 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Cjblog how to auto publish blog post..

    May 13 at 7:16 am

    Hi John, for bloggin CjBlog uses the default Joomla functionality. So the Joomla Article ACL's are implemented. For bloggin you need author ACL (member of that group), with that ACL you can do the following: Author - This group allows a user to post content, usually via a link in the User Menu. They can submit new content, select options to show the item on the front page and select dates for publishing but they cannot directly publish any content. When content is submitted by an Author level user, they receive the message, “Thanks for your submission. Your submission will now be reviewed before being posted to the site.” They can edit only their own articles but only when that article has been published and is visible. If you want your blogger to be able to also publish a blog, then he should have Publisher ACL, but that would also mean he could edit (and change) other people's blogs.   What you could do is change the permissions for the author group to also 'edit state' (allowed). That way the author is able to edit the state of the articles he has access to (his own). Back-end -> Content -> Articles -> [Options] -> tab [Permissions] -> --author -> Edit state 'Allowed' (default = inhereted) Should be tested :)  

    8 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.

    May 13 at 7:05 am

    Maverick wrote: That should work. Just would like to let you know that I am already started working on v4 and have already completed most of the coding part. Also there are significant amount of changes (end-to-end) in this version. I will include this particular change in that version. Thanks Maverick for the update, was wondering what the status was and I am very pleased that you are actively working on the new version. Can't wait to test :)

    8 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.

    May 12 at 10:00 am

    Hi Maverick, sorry for the late reply. was unable to login on your site seems that has been fixed :) Just had a look at your suggestion, would like do propose a different approach.   Only place the content plugin is not triggered where it should in my case in is the user profile page. It is possible to parse specific text via the content plugins by using the following function: JHtml::_('content.prepare', $text); (see:   so when I change views/profile/tmpl/default.php <div class="user-about">                        <?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', CJFunctions::preprocessHtml($this->profile['about'], false, $bbcode));?></div> the content plugins get triggered on only the about text in the user profile page. Next thing is to make this conditional with a back-end parameter.   Would this solution work for you?

    8 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent created new topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.

    April 11 at 12:51 pm

    Hi, We are currently using a new feature of Easy Profile to display the author's linked social media accounts in his author profile. This is done via the code {user socialconnect xyz} which is then parsed via the Easy Profile content plugin.   Works (almost) perfect: the follow me buttons show up nice under the blog, but they do not show up in the authors user-profile-layout page (see attached image)   I can adjust the code for this page to also be subject to content plugins, but wanted to check here first. Is this a good idea? should it be always on (easiest) Should it be a configuration option: 'Prepare content': Yes / No? (like the custom html module)

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    March 2 at 1:03 pm

    Hi Maverick, I changed it to core.showprofile. did two PR's on github for component and contenplugin, rest of the updated files will be sent via mail :)

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 28 at 10:19 am

    Maverick wrote: Sure. Not yet checked all files, will go through and come back if any questions. Thank you. Thanks, eager to learn and share :) looking forward to it!

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 25 at 8:50 am

    Sure. Not yet checked all files, will go through and come back if any questions. Thank you.

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 21 at 12:07 pm

    Just emailed you that changed: plg_articlesuggestions (+randow articles), mod_articlesuggestions and mod_cjbloggers This is a really cool feature if you don't mind me saying so :)))

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 16 at 4:26 pm

    Okay, so did two PR's against your code: 1. in the component create ACL for pro_capabilities, change the article and user listing to only add profile url to username / avatar when ACL = allowed 2. in the content plugin did the same.   I decided not to do it via cjlib as currently you are not able to differentiate what component is calling the routine to return the profile url. So changing it in the cjlib api would impact other components.   What I haven't done is set the default value to allowed for group author. I'm not sure how to do that, read something that pointed me to a sql upgrade procedure, but I cannot estimate what the impact of this is. So currently nobody has the pro_capabities unless explicit set in the components options. will also be doing the needed code changes on topblogger module, article suggestions module and plugin, but they are not on github so will sent you the files when done :) View Avatar link | Name link | About textDONE > Article (content plugin) X | X | XN.A. > Category listing (component) - | - | -DONE > Article listing (component) X | X | -DONE > User listing (component) X | X | XTop bloggers (module) X | - | -Article suggestions module (module) X | - | -Article suggestions plugin (plugin) X | - | -  

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 5 at 4:41 pm

    Okay, thanks. Will come up with some code proposals :)

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 5 at 7:09 am

    hi Maverick, thanks for your repy. I am not using thsein other extensions. But I am trying to come up with a solution that is generic: so not only for me. If it is genereic and you ' adopt'  it as part of the release then I do not have to redo these changes everytime a new version is released of the api / cjblog component. Also then this willadd value not only for me but for everybody using cjblog and wants to have this feature :) Lookig at it that way: is changing the api still the way to go? When it is only for me then it is the easiest way, but that would ' blobk'  other users / extension.      

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    February 4 at 8:14 am

    Hi, because Iam only using cjblog I do not know if changing the api will also affect other components. The 'pr-blogging' acl will only be avalable in cjblog but should not impact the way the profiles are served from the api to other corejoomla components... correct? or are there no other corejoomla components that utilize these api function(s)?  

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    January 8 at 5:15 pm

    Okay, we are getting there :) the reason why I suggested changing the api was because then a lot more changes in separate files coud be skipped. If I adjust in the api so that eg the hyperlink on the avatar must be 'empty' because of acl pro-blogger, then I do not need to change content plugin, user list, mod bloggers, mod articlesuggestions and plg article suggestions :)

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    January 8 at 7:04 am

    Hi, step 1. Yes. step 2. this needs to be coded into cjblog, correct? step 3. correctI think our misunderstanding is in step 2. So the code changes are: 1 in cjblog component add acl part 2. in all files that display avatar, username and about text. The ones I summed up above. so eg in plg content default.php add check if creator of the blog that is displayed to a guest has pro-capability rigths assigned > change nothing. If rights NOT assigned remove profile link from avatar and username and do not display about text correct?      

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    January 7 at 7:45 pm

    Hi Maverick, What I am trying to achieve is that there are two flavors of authors: basic authors and 'pro-bloggers'. The pro-blogger is a blogger who (in our case) is assigned to a Joomla usergroup 'problogger' via Akeeba subscriptions. The pro-bblogger is member of Joomla group author and problogger The basic author is only member of the Joomla group 'author'. The basic and pro-blogger differ in cjblog functionality: although they can both blog, the problogger's avatar and username (in the different views) are linked to his profile, also will his about text show under his blogs and in the userslisting. The basic blogger does van an avatar and username, but these are not linked to his profile. Also his about text will NOT show under the blog and in the user listings. In the current implementation everybody is a pro-blogger. So this is author of the displayed blog related and not related to the user who is visiting the website or the blog. the toggle is: is the author of the blog you are reading member of the problogger group (payed blogger), then show his profile and about text. Is the author not member of this group, then do not show profile and about text. it is also possible to not change the api, but then more files (views, modules and plugins) need to be changed. Does this make things clearer? By implementing this, cjblog offers a way to monitize via bloggers (buying subscriptions to showcase themselves)

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    January 7 at 11:22 am

    Hi Maverick, I don't think the ACL route will work. ACL are limiting things for the visitor / logged in user, but what we want to achieve is limit things for the article author. I have in inventarised all pages that are impacted and came up with an easy solution that will add this feature :) Use case: if the article author is NOT member of group specified in cjblog component variable 'blogger' (configurable via back-end): Remove url from avatar Remove url from username Do not show 'About' text The variable [blogger] defaults to Joomla group 'Author' so when not configured nothing changes :) View Avatar link | Name link | About textArticle (content plugin) X | X | XCategory listing (component) - | - | -Article listing (component) X | X | -User listing (component) X | X | XTop bloggers (module) X | - | -Article suggestions module (module) X | - | -Article suggestions plugin (plugin) X | - | - proposed changes: 1. CjLibApi > in function getUserProfileUrl check if $userId is member of [blogger] variable. If NOT $url="#" > This small change will impact the Avatar link and Name link 2. in cjblog content plugin > add check if userid is member of [blogger] variable. if NOT set $about = ""; 3. User listing (component) > same logic as #2 (content plugin)   So to sum up: 1. create new variable (type: usergrouplist) in cjblog component [blogger] (or other logical name). Set default value to 'author' nothing changes! 2. configure new variable [logger]  to the usergrouplist that the 'pro-bloggers' are member of: nothing changes for the members of group 'pro-blogger', for authors who are NOT member of configured 'pro-blogger' group, the avatar, profile link and about text will not be shown.   Note: the user still has a profile page and will be able to enter and change profile text: nothing changes here, it is only not reachable via the avatar or user name (link). This leaves room for creative users to remember the path (url) to their profile and link that themselves somewhere. Not a big one thou.   What do you think Maverick? I could conribute and test the changes if you would like me to :) regards, Ruud

    9 years ago

  • Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.

    December 22 at 6:37 pm

    Cool, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense :)

    9 years ago

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